Tuesday, April 20, 2010

One follower

I have one follower on my blog. And I love him. I haven't written anything on this blog since the day I started it. Part of me wants to throw in the towel already and part of me remembers that I should be remembering stuff and writing it here. And after all I have one follower. I should keep it up for him, shouldn't I?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Dahil sa...akin.

Dahil sa akin. I'm doing this for me. I will forever remember the experience when I realized my most favorite word: REMEMBER. I was in mission prep at Utah Valley with the amazing, Bro. Pinegar at the helm. He invited me into his office and said, "Do you know what the most important word is?" I silently thought...."Remember." I'm not claiming I had any extra talent at reading his mind or was extra in tune with the spirit that day, in fact, I think I had recently studied the passages of scriptures he was hinting at....anyway, "Do you know what the most important word is? REMEMBER." Then he took a strip of stickers from a ream that he kept by his desk, a gold sticker with the word "Remember" printed on it. That moment is imprinted on my mind...even the light in the room is clear to me, but what is even clearer is the feeling of importance I felt in that moment. From that day on there are certain things that I am trying to hold on to, to always remember. I hope this blog, which I am doing for myself, dahil sa akin, will help me to do this.